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Jaime Murillo R.
Partner Consultant AMZ International Group®
Integrated by

        AMZ Selección®
        Executive Training and Consulting México®
        Personal Plus®
        AMZ International Group®

He has born in Mexico City in the year of 1960. His training started over twenty years ago in the area of human resources; his vision and business profile led him to company management positions in the areas of Finance and Marketing.

At a young age with regard to the average age of other executives, he came to perform various management positions within multinational companies amog which are:

• Panamerican Airways
• Xerox Mexicana
• Gilsa (Grupo Indutrial de la Leche)
• Fábrica de Chocolates La Azteca
• The Quaker Oats Company
• Nestlé
• Gatorade Beverages

  His corporate experience and performance, first as a Director and then as internal consultant for various companies and it continues developing a prosperous career they took him to win various awards for his contributions, including a model of detection of needs and the implementation of a strategy of Total quality, due to the local success, both cases were globally applied to the interior of the mentioned companieswhere they generated excellent results.

  In recent years, thanks to its experience and continuous preparation, has served as a leader, on issues related with the selection of executives and human resources. Founding partner of AMZ Selection ®; also, He has collaborated in the creation and launch of consulting firms: Executive Training and Consulting Mexico ® and Staff Plus ®, where he created the concept and the logistics of the operation. This signature provides an innovative service product in the area of human resources and Administration Business Global, only in Mexico.

  It has also expanded its business activity as investors also participating and creating companies in other productive segments.

  Its high level of specialisation and knowledge has allowed him to break and be invited as a lecturer by invitation in several forums and prestigious universities.

  He is member of various associations. He has served and acts as prominent management consultant in the selection of executives, Human Capital and Business, It has the backing of his achievements and the support of by multiple interviewed executives, customers and entrepreneurs that confirm their achievements and his entrepreneurial career.

  He performed his undergraduate degree in Accounting and Administration in the Superior School of Commerce and Management. Obtained master's degree in Administration from the Universidad Iberoamericana, in addition to complement several courses and graduate programs at various universities, related to their areas of formation, human development and business during his professional career.

  He is distinguished as a professional who constantly works to improve your environment, community and country, by providing comprehensive actions and ideas useful of high value as reflected in his work “Más allá del Empleo”.

  The book is a proposal and fresh vision, concepts and definitions with serious and innovative, that us to find a guide on the various steps to evolve from student to employee, then Entrepreneur and finally, using the Model of the Inverted Pyramid, which also reviews the fears and doubts that hold us back and prevent undertake personal challenges and defined as: “Negociofobia”.